torstai 19. helmikuuta 2015

Aromatherapy for Arthritis and Arthritic Pain

Aromatherapy for Arthritic Pain

For relaxation Lavender and Roman Chamomile oils –  both are great for reducing pain and creating a state of relaxation.

Anti-inflammatory oils :
-       Marjoram - a warming essential oil.
-       Cloves - strengthens the base of the spine chakra.
-       Cypress - increases circulation and anti inflammatory.
-       Juniper Berry - helps reduce pain and inflammation.
-       Grapefruit – Great for flushing toxins from the body that contribute to arthritis. Uplifts mood.
-     Frankincense – In a study at Cardiff University, scientists have been examined the potential benefits of frankincense to help relieve and alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. They found that frankincense inhibits the production of key inflammatory molecules which helps prevent the breakdown of the cartilage tissue which causes the condition.
-    Peppermint - cooling, anti inflammatory, increases oxygen and circulation.

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