lauantai 13. joulukuuta 2014

Homeopathy for First Aid

Homeopathy for First Aid

Symptoms that start suddenly : Aconitum
Accidents, where there are internal injuries : Arnica
Deep wounds from sharp objects, injuries to the nerves: Hypericum
Wounds and scratches to the surface of the skin: Calendula
Insect bites and stings : Apis
Injuries from fire, burns : Cantharis
Heart attack, heart stroke : Aconitum, Cactus, Digitalis, Crataegus
Paralysis: Gelsemium, Arnica, Alumina, Conium maculatum, Zincum metallicum
Mental shock, grief, fear : Avena, Ignatia, Aconitum, Gelsemium

Helios Homeopathic Kit 18 remedies for First Aid

Insect bites and stings, mosquito stings.

The most common remedy for mosquito and other insect bites and stings is Apis mellifica.

Apis mellifica - the sting results in a red mark, hot swollen skin, burning and itching feeling. Sometimes swelling of the mucous membrane sof the mouth and the throat. Cold helps the pain.

Staphysagria - as a preventive medicine for mosquito stings and after a mosquito sting.

Urtica Urens - when there are big, red, itching bites. Insect allergy, allergic reactions caused by insect stings. Also nausea caused by eating scallops.

Caladium seguinum - insect stings and bites.

Essential oils to protect from  mosquito stings

The most effective essential oils against mosquito stings or bites are citronella and cloves, also eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, lavender, lemon, cedarwood and patchouli. Apply diluted 10-30% on the skin.

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) essential oil is 10 times more effective than chemical insect repellants. The oil is effective for 2-4 house. The effective compound in catnip oil is called nepetalactone.

Alcoholic beverages are thought to attract mosquitoes, because they increase the secretion of sugar through the skin. Some species of mosquitoes, such as Aedes and Ochterotatus, prefer dark colors, and wearing white, green or yellow is recommendable. Another species, Anopheles is attracted to lighter colours. Garlic and vitamin B have been said to protect against mosquito stings.

Snake bite

Combined with other medical treatment , suitable homeopathic medicine for snake bite are Ledum and Lachesis.

Heat exhaustion, hyperthermia, sunstroke

Aconitum : Sunstroke with blood circulation problems caused by the heat.

Belladonna: Acute symptoms, tiredness, unconsciousness, ringing in the ears, a constricting feeling in the chest.

Gelsemium: Sunstroke, headache,  confusion, body temperature rise, tendency towards unconsciousness or coma.

Lachesis: Vertigo, dizziness, tireness caused by hot air.

Natrium carbonic : Chronic symptoms associated with sunstroke. Headache, starts in hot weather. Calms very nervous people during thunder storms. Weakness and headache that are  caused by the sun.

Veratrum album

Carbo vegetabilis

Preventive homeopathic remedy against heat exhaustion and hyperthermia : Natrium muriaticum

 Fainting, dizziness : Pulsatilla

Fear :
From trauma : Aconitum
Fear of getting sick : Arsenicum

Sudden: Aconitum
High fever : Belladonna
Paleness with fever : Bryonia
Child's fever : Chamomilla
Infection . Ferrum phophoricum
Influenza: Gelsemium
Restlessness: Pulsatilla

Broken or fractured bones:
Eupatorium, Symphytum, Calcium phophoricum

Pain in bones that are growing:
Calcium phophoricum

Weak pulse : Ferrum phophporicum
Slow development : Gelsemium
Slowly healing: Carbo vegetables
Sudden: Aconitum

Oversensitivity to noises, light or music : Nux vomica

Aching rheumatic pain :Bryonia alba
Rheumatic pain : Rhus toxicodendrum
Stomach ache, sharp : Ipecacuanha
Burning, enduring pain: Apis
Burning: Cantahris
Burning, restless from pain: Aconitum
Cramp: Belladonna
Inability to endure pain: Chamomilla
Pain in joints and bones : Calcarea phosphoric
After an operation : Hypericum
Constant pain: Hepar sulphuris
Stomach pain : Phosphorus
Pulsating pain: Ferrum phophoricum
Painful urination: Mercurius vivus

Magnesium phophoricum
Veratrum album

Hypericum, Ledum, Calendula

Aconitum, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Ferrum phophoricum, Rhus toxicodendrum

Shock: Arnica

Muscles, strains, broken bones: Ruta graveolensis

Collapse : Aconite

Operation: Aconite, Arnica, Hypericum

Toothache, pain in teeth: Belladonna, Chamomilla, Mercurius, Ruta graveolensis

Urine : Cantharis, Apis mellifica

Arsenicum album, Vertarum album, Bryonia alba, Chamomilla, Ipecacuanha, Nux vomica

Weakness: Carbo vegetabilis, Mercurius vivus, Veratrum album, during influenza : Gelsemium

Homeopathy for Sepsis and Septic Shock
Septic shock is a blood poisoning which is usually a serious general infection caused by bacteria or  fungus. Symptoms include weak general health, sudden rise in fever, confusion, strong trembling, nausea, fast pulse, fast breathing, skin symptoms, often small blood petechias and low blood pressure.

Homeopathic medicine for Septic shock

Apis mellifica : Oedema, swelling, extreme dyspnea, difficulty breathing
Arsenicum album : Weakness, tiredness, disorders or the cardiovascular system, anxiety, restlessness, cacexia
Baptisia tinctoria : ARDS, a syndrome with sudden breathing difficulties, septic shock, hot skin
Belladonna : High temperature, sweating, red colored skin, on the face
Bryonia: Pneumonia, especially affecting the right lung, itching pain in the chest
Carbo vegetables: Weakness of the lungs, ARDS, syndrome with sudden breathing difficulties
Crotalus horridus: Purpurea, bleeding
Lachesis muta : Septic shock, bleeding, high temperature, embolism, skin colour blue, purple
Lycopodium clavatum: Fever, in the afternoon, a feeling of pressure or swelling, in the stomach
Phosphorus : Pneumonia, especially on the right side, bleeding, purpurea
Pyrogenium : Septic fever, bad smell

Homeopathy for Tiredness and Lethargy

Homeopathy, Lethargy and Tiredness

The symptoms of lethargy can be tiredness, lack of energy, disturbances of sleeping and concentration, pains and aches in different parts of the body and changes in the functioning of digestive organs and appetite.

Lethargy can be a result of depression. Other reasons include injuries to the head area, low or high blood pressure, malnutrition, diabetes, substance abuse, strong medication, disturbances of the thyroid gland or other glands, mononucleosis or measles, autoimmune diseases, meningitis, Parkinson's diseae or parkinsonism, hepatite or kidney damage. Letharfy can occur during recovery from an illness or after dehydration, chronic tiredness syndrome or a heart attack.

Homeopathic medicine for lethargy and tiredness

Gelsemium - lethargy and tiredness, sleeplessness caused  by nervousness, emotional excitement and anxiety, trembling and shaking, headache caused by stress.

Kali Phosphoricum - lethargy, anxiety, irritability, headache, depression, mental and physical exhaustion.

Phophoricum acidum - when the symptoms are mental and general weakness, tiredness of the brain, memory loss, headache, mental and physical overexertion.

 Avena sativa - nutrition for the nervous system, helps for nervous exhaustion and sleeplessness. For recovery after an exhausting sickness and healing for addictions.

Herbs for lethargy

Basil - an Ayurvedic herb. Drinking basil tea helps if you are feeling tired.

Lemon - uplifting for the mood and refreshing. One glass of lemon and grapefruit juice every day.

Ginseng - gives vitality and energy for all who suffer from lethargy.

Kudzu  (Pueraria lobata) - Tiredness with stiffness in the neck and shoulder area. Beneficial especially if there are problems with alcohol or drugs. One teaspoonful of the herb into a glass of water, boil and let brew. One teaspoon of tamari can be added to this.

Rose, rosebud or rose flower tea - apathy and a feeling of giving up.

Sage - good for the mood, helps depression and lethargy.

Lemon balm - mild depression and lethargic feelings.

Bach Flower remedies for Lethargy

Gorse - for a feeling of hopelessness
Olive - for tiredness
Wild Rose - for apathy and giving up

Gem THerapy for Tiredness

There are many uplifting and re-energizing healing gemstones. Yellow jasper is said to protect from tiredness.

Essential oils for lethargy and tiredness


Essential oil of Rosemary - stimulates and motivates, can be combined with sage and black pepper, for example in a bath.
Essential oil of Lavender - helps to get to sleep and lifts the mood.

Other refreshing essential oils are basil, sage and geranium.

Homeopathy and Weight Loss

Homeopathy and Weight Loss

Calcarea carbonica : Controlling the appetite and for overeating that is caused by emotional reasons. Symptoms include indigestion and a craving for hot foods and eggs.

Argentum : craving for sweet foods.

Lycopodium: craving sweets.

Ignatia: symptoms include anxiety and fearfulness, a feeling of needing to eat when nervous.

Staphysagria: If one eats for repressed anger. Symptoms include oppressive, even abusive relationships.

Coffea: symptoms include anxiety and agitation, when one eats to calm down.

Ferrum phos : symptoms include oversensitivity and blushing.

Graphites: for women who have passed menopause, who are pale and very sensitive to cold, suffer from constipation and skin problems.

Kali carb: symptoms include a cough, backache and a cold feeling.

Antimonium crud: symptoms include agitation, when someone tries to forbid from eating. Indigestion, diarrhea, burping and a white coating of the tongue.

Capsicum: if the symptoms include laziness, a red face and a burning feeling in the digestive organs.

Bach Flower Therapy and Emotional Eating

Chestnut Bud _- helps to notice one's own faults objectively, to learn from them and to move on. When you notice you are doing the same mistakes with your diet, Chestnut Bud will help to gain new knowledge about the experience.
Crab Apple - helps to accept one's physical appearance and to feel good as you are. When you do not like something about yourself Crab Apple helps to accept oneself and one's own imperfections.
Cherry Plum - helps to act rationally , think clearly and calmly and balances the mind when one feels like losing control. When you are afraid that you might lose control concerning your diet Cherry Plum helps to consider the choices.

Gem Therapy for Weight Management

Green tourmaline for overweight.
Rose Quartz for anorexia.

Essential oils for weight control

The essential oils of bergamot, fennel and patchouli help to control the appetite.

Ayurveda and weight management

Ayurvedic medicine recommends the following diet for weight control:

- every morning drink warm water with a teaspoonful of honey and lemon or basil to an empty stomach. Also two to three cups during the day.
- drink several cups of warm water during the day.
-ginger, for example ginger  tea with lemon juice.
-1 to 2 tomatoes to an empty stomach in the morning.
-carrot and plum juice.
-green tea.

Helianthus balances the sugar metabolism of the body and helps weight management. It is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant because it helps lactose to absorb. Prebiotic inuline helps the good intestinal bacteria and the stomach feels well.

Homeopathy and Cancer

 Homeopathic remedies for cancer

-Calcarea fluorica. [Calc-f]
Useful for knots, kernels or hardened lumps in the female breast, accompanied with indurated glands of stony hardness; the enlargements may occur in the fasciae. It will prevent the development of cancer, and should be considered always in the cases where the breasts present suspicious lumps. Enchondroma.

-Lapis albus. [Lap-a]
Several cases of incipient scirrhus (cancer) of the mammary gland, presenting retraction of the nipple, and the other characteristic symptoms have been cured with this remedy. It is of signal use in many cases of goitre. Lapis in malignant diseases of the uterus where the discharges are black and offensive and intense burning pains all through the diseased part.

-Silicea. [Sil]
This remedy will often abate the pains of cancer. Lupus and sarcoma with a thick yellow and offensive discharge.

-Hecla lava. [Hecla]
Osteomata (Bone Cancer), not so-called ivory tumors, but those of spongy nature.

-Conium. [Con]
Great hardness of the infiltrated glands, with flying stitches in them worse at night. Cancer, mammary tumors of beginning of scirrhus; chief remedy, especially useful after contusions and bruises, it corresponds particularly to glandular bruises.  The irritability seems the characteristic. Epithelioma, enlarged testicles or uterus.

-Condurango. [Cund]
This remedy has achieved considerable reputation is cancer of the stomach and various forms of carcinoma. Open cancer and cancerous ulcers; it modifies the pain. Epithelioma, especially in open and ulcerated types.

-Baryta carbonica. [Bar-c]
Fatty tumors appearing here and there over the body.

-Baryta iodide. [Bar-i]
Hard cancerous tumors of the breast. Ovarian tumors with a scrofulous taint.

-Phytolacca has a tendency to fat formation, and may prove useful in fatty tumors as well as in hard, painful nodosities in the breast. Cancers of the breast when the tumors is hard, painful and purple. It acts as an absorbent in fibroid tumors of the uterus.

-Plumbum iodatum. [Plb-i]
Inflamed indurated masses in the female breast slowly developing. The hard, unchangeable character, the slow development and the supervention of painful inflammations therein are the elements of decision.

-Arsenicum. [Ars]
This remedy corresponds to the general phenomena of the cancerous diathesis, though Bayes notes that we have other remedies which may posses more power over cancer indicated. It is said to be almost a specific for lupus, and its special indications in any form of tumor, be it cancer or not, the sharp burning and lancinating pain, the weakness and debility and the general Arsenicum symptoms known so well. In other words, the patient is to be treated, not the disease.

-Bromine is sometimes useful for mammary cancer.

-Iodine. Cancer of the uterus, with profuse haemorrhage.

Aggravation from warmth. Excessive hunger.

Morphine, when there is great susceptibility to pain, may be of service.

-Phosphorous. [Phos]

Fungoid and bleeding growths. Fungus haematodes.

-Thuja. [Thuj]
Bleeding fungi. There is on record the cure of a fungus tumor of the orbit, with this remedy and Carbo vegetabilis. It is also a remedy for polypoid growths in the nose and ears. The epithelial variety of cancer, and cauliflower excrescences would seem to correspond to this remedy.  Thuja has been considered as a valuable remedy in sarcoma. Palpillomata also comes within its field.

#Hydrastis. [Hydr]
Epithelial diathesis and is of undoubted and special value in epithelioma and uterine cancer. Simple glandular tumors of the breast;  it allays the pain retards the growth and improves the patient generally. The dyspeptic symptoms of the remedy lead to its choice. The hydrastis treatment is one of the best known in cancer.

Cicuta. Epithelioma, honey colored scabs.

Kali sulphuricum has cured cases of facial epithelioma when operation was refused.

Cuprum aceticum will allay with the distressing vomiting in carcinoma.

Hydrastis corresponds to the diathesis, the worn jaded look, the sallow complexion hide-bound state of the skin, low spirits, loss of appetite, constipation, as well as to the ulcerative stage. It has cured lupus, epithelioma and malignant ulcers. Tumors of the stomach and pylorus have disappeared under the continued use of Hydrastis. Dr. Pope thinks no scirrhus of the breast should be removed until Hydrastis has been tried.

-Radium. [Rad-br]
The use of this substance has been heralded as a remedy for cancer. Though it produces actually and pathologically that disease, it has never cured cancer in any dosage nor in any stage of that affection. It use in all doses save those of Homoeopathy is dangerous and should be avoided. It may be indicated not in cancer, but in  “cancerinique” dyscrasia, which means the abnormal blood conditions which tend toward that disease, and always precede it. Thus it use is confined to the pregrowth manifestations when we have such symptoms as aching pains, itching over the body, pains resembling a chronic arthritis. Apprehension. Mentally tired and irritable patients. Pimples on the skin and spots which itch and burn. Restlessness, heat in stomach, flatulence and constipation. The 30th potency is as low as it should be used. We can never be certain whether a patient has not been subjected in some unknown way to radium emanations and by giving the remedy in the lower strengths we may add to the trouble.

-Carbo animalis. [Carb-an]
Mammary cancer, scirrhus, gland indurated in little nodes, the parts being as hard as stone; skin bluish and mottled axillary glands swollen; drawing pains through mammae. Cancer of cervix, with induration and burning pains, with thin offensive discharge from the vagina.

-Carbolic acid. [Carb-ac]
Has also been highly praised as a valuable internal remedy in cancer.

-Cedron. [Cedr]
Lancinating pains of cancers.

Herbal remedies for cancer

Herbal remedies that have been used for cancer include angelica, calendula, red clover, yarrow, nettle, dandelion, echinacea, garlic, thyme, astragalus, licorice, panax ginseng, reishi and other immune function enhancing mushrooms.

Chamomille tea contains chemical constituents that inhibit the cancer cells from attaching to new areas.

Astaragalus tincture activates T and Nk cells and slows down the spreading of the tumor.

Green tea deactivates plasmin which helps tumors to spread.

Valerian root protects from cancer cells spreading and calms the mind.

Camphor (Symphytum) has been described healing a skin cancer of the face when applied externally.


The feeling connected to cancer is the fear of losing one's identity and sense of being, for example if the people surrounding you do not recognize your identity or are abusing it in some way which leads to a feeling of losing control.

Aromatherapy for Cancer

Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Ravensara and Tea Tree improve the immune system functioning.
Rosemary and Geranium support the endocrine glands and stimulate the lymph glands.
Black Pepper and Lavender reinforce the spleen.
Lavender and Sandalwood calm the mind.
Sandalwood, Myrrh, Geranium and Frankincense increase peace of mind.

Gem Therapy for Cancer and Tumors

Amethyst, Smoky Quartz and Bloodstone are healing gemstones that have been said to protect from cancer.   Blue Lace Agate with Rose Quartz and Amethyst for skin cancer or visible signs of cancer.

Nutrition and Vitamins for Cancer

Vitamin A is essential for the immune system health.

Vitamin C is the most important vitamin for the immense defense, it is essential for the production of hormones and lymphocytes. C-vitamin should be taken with bioflavonoids.

Vitamin E works with Vitamins A and C and selenium as antioxidant to support the immune defense.

Zinc heals the immune defense and accelerates the healing of wounds and protects the liver. (A dose of over 100mg/day may weaken the immune system). Zinc is found for example in pumpkin seeds.

Drinking plenty of water helps the lymph fluid circulate in the lymph vessels.

Lowering the acidity of the body is believed to protect from growths and tumors. Raw vegetables and fruits will help to decrease the acidity of your body. It is also believed that stress and negative feelings increase the body acidity.

Sugar weakens the lymph vessel ability to function and the bodies defense against bacteria.
Eat moderately, as overweight weakens the immune system.

Avoid synthetic medicine, alcohol, drugs, cofeine and tobacco because these substances weaken the immune system.

Seaweed contains many nutrients that support the immune system.

Ginger tea and green tea contain antioxidants.

Laughing increases the activity of T-lymphocytes and cells that are essential to a healthy immune system functioning.

Stress management and positive thinking increase the activity of T-lymphocytes and other immune system cells.

Moderate exercise protects from tumors and inhibits their growth.

Eat preferably ecologically produced green and yellow vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, seeds and nuts and cold-pressed vegetable oils daily. Natural food products contain enzymes, vitamins A, B, C and E, selenium, fatty acids and zinc that will help the lymph vessels, lymphocytes and the thyroid gland function efficiently. Wheat sprout contains a lot of healing enhancing chlorophyll.