lauantai 13. joulukuuta 2014

Homeopathy and Weight Loss

Homeopathy and Weight Loss

Calcarea carbonica : Controlling the appetite and for overeating that is caused by emotional reasons. Symptoms include indigestion and a craving for hot foods and eggs.

Argentum : craving for sweet foods.

Lycopodium: craving sweets.

Ignatia: symptoms include anxiety and fearfulness, a feeling of needing to eat when nervous.

Staphysagria: If one eats for repressed anger. Symptoms include oppressive, even abusive relationships.

Coffea: symptoms include anxiety and agitation, when one eats to calm down.

Ferrum phos : symptoms include oversensitivity and blushing.

Graphites: for women who have passed menopause, who are pale and very sensitive to cold, suffer from constipation and skin problems.

Kali carb: symptoms include a cough, backache and a cold feeling.

Antimonium crud: symptoms include agitation, when someone tries to forbid from eating. Indigestion, diarrhea, burping and a white coating of the tongue.

Capsicum: if the symptoms include laziness, a red face and a burning feeling in the digestive organs.

Bach Flower Therapy and Emotional Eating

Chestnut Bud _- helps to notice one's own faults objectively, to learn from them and to move on. When you notice you are doing the same mistakes with your diet, Chestnut Bud will help to gain new knowledge about the experience.
Crab Apple - helps to accept one's physical appearance and to feel good as you are. When you do not like something about yourself Crab Apple helps to accept oneself and one's own imperfections.
Cherry Plum - helps to act rationally , think clearly and calmly and balances the mind when one feels like losing control. When you are afraid that you might lose control concerning your diet Cherry Plum helps to consider the choices.

Gem Therapy for Weight Management

Green tourmaline for overweight.
Rose Quartz for anorexia.

Essential oils for weight control

The essential oils of bergamot, fennel and patchouli help to control the appetite.

Ayurveda and weight management

Ayurvedic medicine recommends the following diet for weight control:

- every morning drink warm water with a teaspoonful of honey and lemon or basil to an empty stomach. Also two to three cups during the day.
- drink several cups of warm water during the day.
-ginger, for example ginger  tea with lemon juice.
-1 to 2 tomatoes to an empty stomach in the morning.
-carrot and plum juice.
-green tea.

Helianthus balances the sugar metabolism of the body and helps weight management. It is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant because it helps lactose to absorb. Prebiotic inuline helps the good intestinal bacteria and the stomach feels well.

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