lauantai 13. joulukuuta 2014

Homeopathy for Tiredness and Lethargy

Homeopathy, Lethargy and Tiredness

The symptoms of lethargy can be tiredness, lack of energy, disturbances of sleeping and concentration, pains and aches in different parts of the body and changes in the functioning of digestive organs and appetite.

Lethargy can be a result of depression. Other reasons include injuries to the head area, low or high blood pressure, malnutrition, diabetes, substance abuse, strong medication, disturbances of the thyroid gland or other glands, mononucleosis or measles, autoimmune diseases, meningitis, Parkinson's diseae or parkinsonism, hepatite or kidney damage. Letharfy can occur during recovery from an illness or after dehydration, chronic tiredness syndrome or a heart attack.

Homeopathic medicine for lethargy and tiredness

Gelsemium - lethargy and tiredness, sleeplessness caused  by nervousness, emotional excitement and anxiety, trembling and shaking, headache caused by stress.

Kali Phosphoricum - lethargy, anxiety, irritability, headache, depression, mental and physical exhaustion.

Phophoricum acidum - when the symptoms are mental and general weakness, tiredness of the brain, memory loss, headache, mental and physical overexertion.

 Avena sativa - nutrition for the nervous system, helps for nervous exhaustion and sleeplessness. For recovery after an exhausting sickness and healing for addictions.

Herbs for lethargy

Basil - an Ayurvedic herb. Drinking basil tea helps if you are feeling tired.

Lemon - uplifting for the mood and refreshing. One glass of lemon and grapefruit juice every day.

Ginseng - gives vitality and energy for all who suffer from lethargy.

Kudzu  (Pueraria lobata) - Tiredness with stiffness in the neck and shoulder area. Beneficial especially if there are problems with alcohol or drugs. One teaspoonful of the herb into a glass of water, boil and let brew. One teaspoon of tamari can be added to this.

Rose, rosebud or rose flower tea - apathy and a feeling of giving up.

Sage - good for the mood, helps depression and lethargy.

Lemon balm - mild depression and lethargic feelings.

Bach Flower remedies for Lethargy

Gorse - for a feeling of hopelessness
Olive - for tiredness
Wild Rose - for apathy and giving up

Gem THerapy for Tiredness

There are many uplifting and re-energizing healing gemstones. Yellow jasper is said to protect from tiredness.

Essential oils for lethargy and tiredness


Essential oil of Rosemary - stimulates and motivates, can be combined with sage and black pepper, for example in a bath.
Essential oil of Lavender - helps to get to sleep and lifts the mood.

Other refreshing essential oils are basil, sage and geranium.

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