lauantai 13. joulukuuta 2014

Homeopathy for First Aid

Homeopathy for First Aid

Symptoms that start suddenly : Aconitum
Accidents, where there are internal injuries : Arnica
Deep wounds from sharp objects, injuries to the nerves: Hypericum
Wounds and scratches to the surface of the skin: Calendula
Insect bites and stings : Apis
Injuries from fire, burns : Cantharis
Heart attack, heart stroke : Aconitum, Cactus, Digitalis, Crataegus
Paralysis: Gelsemium, Arnica, Alumina, Conium maculatum, Zincum metallicum
Mental shock, grief, fear : Avena, Ignatia, Aconitum, Gelsemium

Helios Homeopathic Kit 18 remedies for First Aid

Insect bites and stings, mosquito stings.

The most common remedy for mosquito and other insect bites and stings is Apis mellifica.

Apis mellifica - the sting results in a red mark, hot swollen skin, burning and itching feeling. Sometimes swelling of the mucous membrane sof the mouth and the throat. Cold helps the pain.

Staphysagria - as a preventive medicine for mosquito stings and after a mosquito sting.

Urtica Urens - when there are big, red, itching bites. Insect allergy, allergic reactions caused by insect stings. Also nausea caused by eating scallops.

Caladium seguinum - insect stings and bites.

Essential oils to protect from  mosquito stings

The most effective essential oils against mosquito stings or bites are citronella and cloves, also eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, lavender, lemon, cedarwood and patchouli. Apply diluted 10-30% on the skin.

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) essential oil is 10 times more effective than chemical insect repellants. The oil is effective for 2-4 house. The effective compound in catnip oil is called nepetalactone.

Alcoholic beverages are thought to attract mosquitoes, because they increase the secretion of sugar through the skin. Some species of mosquitoes, such as Aedes and Ochterotatus, prefer dark colors, and wearing white, green or yellow is recommendable. Another species, Anopheles is attracted to lighter colours. Garlic and vitamin B have been said to protect against mosquito stings.

Snake bite

Combined with other medical treatment , suitable homeopathic medicine for snake bite are Ledum and Lachesis.

Heat exhaustion, hyperthermia, sunstroke

Aconitum : Sunstroke with blood circulation problems caused by the heat.

Belladonna: Acute symptoms, tiredness, unconsciousness, ringing in the ears, a constricting feeling in the chest.

Gelsemium: Sunstroke, headache,  confusion, body temperature rise, tendency towards unconsciousness or coma.

Lachesis: Vertigo, dizziness, tireness caused by hot air.

Natrium carbonic : Chronic symptoms associated with sunstroke. Headache, starts in hot weather. Calms very nervous people during thunder storms. Weakness and headache that are  caused by the sun.

Veratrum album

Carbo vegetabilis

Preventive homeopathic remedy against heat exhaustion and hyperthermia : Natrium muriaticum

 Fainting, dizziness : Pulsatilla

Fear :
From trauma : Aconitum
Fear of getting sick : Arsenicum

Sudden: Aconitum
High fever : Belladonna
Paleness with fever : Bryonia
Child's fever : Chamomilla
Infection . Ferrum phophoricum
Influenza: Gelsemium
Restlessness: Pulsatilla

Broken or fractured bones:
Eupatorium, Symphytum, Calcium phophoricum

Pain in bones that are growing:
Calcium phophoricum

Weak pulse : Ferrum phophporicum
Slow development : Gelsemium
Slowly healing: Carbo vegetables
Sudden: Aconitum

Oversensitivity to noises, light or music : Nux vomica

Aching rheumatic pain :Bryonia alba
Rheumatic pain : Rhus toxicodendrum
Stomach ache, sharp : Ipecacuanha
Burning, enduring pain: Apis
Burning: Cantahris
Burning, restless from pain: Aconitum
Cramp: Belladonna
Inability to endure pain: Chamomilla
Pain in joints and bones : Calcarea phosphoric
After an operation : Hypericum
Constant pain: Hepar sulphuris
Stomach pain : Phosphorus
Pulsating pain: Ferrum phophoricum
Painful urination: Mercurius vivus

Magnesium phophoricum
Veratrum album

Hypericum, Ledum, Calendula

Aconitum, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Ferrum phophoricum, Rhus toxicodendrum

Shock: Arnica

Muscles, strains, broken bones: Ruta graveolensis

Collapse : Aconite

Operation: Aconite, Arnica, Hypericum

Toothache, pain in teeth: Belladonna, Chamomilla, Mercurius, Ruta graveolensis

Urine : Cantharis, Apis mellifica

Arsenicum album, Vertarum album, Bryonia alba, Chamomilla, Ipecacuanha, Nux vomica

Weakness: Carbo vegetabilis, Mercurius vivus, Veratrum album, during influenza : Gelsemium

Homeopathy for Sepsis and Septic Shock
Septic shock is a blood poisoning which is usually a serious general infection caused by bacteria or  fungus. Symptoms include weak general health, sudden rise in fever, confusion, strong trembling, nausea, fast pulse, fast breathing, skin symptoms, often small blood petechias and low blood pressure.

Homeopathic medicine for Septic shock

Apis mellifica : Oedema, swelling, extreme dyspnea, difficulty breathing
Arsenicum album : Weakness, tiredness, disorders or the cardiovascular system, anxiety, restlessness, cacexia
Baptisia tinctoria : ARDS, a syndrome with sudden breathing difficulties, septic shock, hot skin
Belladonna : High temperature, sweating, red colored skin, on the face
Bryonia: Pneumonia, especially affecting the right lung, itching pain in the chest
Carbo vegetables: Weakness of the lungs, ARDS, syndrome with sudden breathing difficulties
Crotalus horridus: Purpurea, bleeding
Lachesis muta : Septic shock, bleeding, high temperature, embolism, skin colour blue, purple
Lycopodium clavatum: Fever, in the afternoon, a feeling of pressure or swelling, in the stomach
Phosphorus : Pneumonia, especially on the right side, bleeding, purpurea
Pyrogenium : Septic fever, bad smell

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